What is reputation management?

Reputation management is the effort to influence what and how people think of a brand or person.
In this section, we’ll build out this nascent definition of reputation management by explaining seven critical aspects:

1. Reputation management happens mostly online

A vast amount of communication happens online. We meet friends, we solve disagreements, we discover new businesses, and we read the news.
2. Reputation management empowers your sales and marketing
Reputation management lives within the wide world of sales and marketing, and though it can be described as a “tactic,” it’s hardly negligible.
When people already believe in your company's mission your content will reach more of its readers.
3. Reputation management is essential for a business’s survival
We’re not overstating the case when we write that reputation management is essential for a company’s survival. 
 Other companies — smaller ones, or less capably equipped ones — would simply crash and burn in the wake of this kind of reputation disaster.
4. Reputation management is important both for personalities and businesses
We've mostly focused on reputation management as it applies to businesses thus far, but it’s important for individuals too.
5. Reputation management is a fast growing industry
As we’ve pointed out, if your reputation is down the tubes, so is your business. In fact, 87% of customers will reverse a purchase decision after viewing negative content about a brand or product online.
6. Reputation management is abused for nefarious purposes
Like nearly everything in life, reputation management has an ethical dark side. One Business Insider article takes a bazooka shot at reputation management, starting with the headline: “Inside The Sleazy World Of Reputation Management, Where People Pay To Control What You See On The Internet.”
7. Reputation management is a legitimate and effective practice
Reputation management exists, in part, because people are more likely to believe, share and spread negative news than they are positive news. That's why a single misstep can snowball to have lasting effects on your reputation.
Businesses can take advantage of a bevy of methods to manage their online reputations, including:
  • Search engine optimization
  • Technical optimization
  • Social response tools
  • Reputation monitoring
  • Link portfolio management 


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