How to Ask for a Review From Customer

Here are some best practices and techniques to help you achieve the best results and optimal response rates.

Request reviews via email

One of the most effective ways to generate new reviews is through review request email campaigns.
The campaigns usually take on the form of customer feedback surveys; other times, the email message is much simpler and more straightforward, containing a link to a page where the recipient can write a review.

Review request templates

Not sure what to write in your review request messages? Here are some subject line and message ideas that hopefully will give you some inspiration for your review request templates.

Review or feedback SMS templates

Here are some actionable feedback SMS templates to inspire your text surveys and review request campaigns via SMS.

Design landing pages for collecting reviews

In order to generate new reviews and collect valuable customer feedback, more and more businesses and marketers are creating their own dedicated landing pages for reviews.
It’s a great way to encourage customers to be more vocal about their experiences.

Get reviews at the point of sale

A more immediate, personal, and direct way to ask customers for reviews is to make the request at the point of sale or care.

Use review request or review generation tools

If you’re managing a business with multiple locations, an efficient way to ask customers for reviews is by using review request or review generation tools and software.
The Ask Tool from ReviewTrackers, for example, allows you to generate new reviews through email campaigns, SMS, on-site kiosks, and customizable landing pages.

Automate your review requests

For the efficiency-minded, a little automation can help get more review generation work done faster. Customers who automate their review requests can often double or triple their review volume — minus the time and resources spent on manual work.


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