Our List of Email Mistakes to Avoid

Email Mistake 1: Playing to the Wrong Crowd

No matter how beautiful an orchestra plays, there are many people who just don’t care for it. And others still who like it, but don’t LOVE it. The same is true with your products/services. The skills that you offer will speak better to some target markets than others.

Email Mistake 2: “Just Checking In”

Don’t say this in your emails. Follow-up emails — Good. Passive language — Bad. In addition to this, avoid things like “following up”.

Email Mistake 3: Not Using Email Templates

Playing a song without sheet music leaves too much to improvisation. Sending hundreds of emails without a well-thought-out template for the bulk of your copy could leave your emails sounding like you made it up as you went along.
Email Mistake 4: Not Tuning Your Email
Instruments that aren’t properly tuned can be either flat or sharp. Too flat and the music sounds dull. Too sharp and it’s offensive to the listener. Emails (not surprisingly) are the same.

Email Mistake 5: Read the Audience

Each piece of music an orchestra plays tells a story. So does the entire concert. Conductors may re-arrange the music based on the average crowds’ reaction. All of this is to entice a maximum response. 

Email Mistake 6: Being Afraid to Improvise

Composers write music, but it can be interpreted in different ways. Sticking with the template alone can have lackluster results. If you only send a couple hundred emails a month, a 2% conversation rate is only 4 people

Email Mistake 7: You’re Not Entertaining

If you’re on a sales call, you’re likely doing something to build rapport. Mentioning the sites/weather where the lead is at, asking questions that are “off topic”, or even being funny.

Email Mistake 8: Failure to Experiment

Sending the same email for long periods of time will diminish your results over time. Tactics change, roles change, and even your products/services change. Sending the same email is never a good idea, even if everything remains the same.


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