Tips for a Successful Cold Email Prospecting Campaign

Learn how to write a cold email like a pro following these simple steps:
Put Yourself in Their Shoes
Imagine the emails your targeted customers receive. Picture them receiving an email from a competitor right before yours.
Write Like You Talk
Try to read it out loud before you send it, just to see how it sounds. You might even want to act like you are face to face with them.
Personalize What You Can
It’s great if you’re spending a lot of time researching specific contacts. You’ll need to do this for higher end sales and more enterprise level sales.
Put All Contact Info in Your Signature
Your email signature needs to include your business address. This is a non-negotiable.
Avoid Images
Most images you want to avoid. Of course, you can experiment and test things. But, as a typical rule, we like to keep images out and signatures short.
Include a P.S.
This asks if you should speak to someone else. This also serves as a way to fulfill the opt-out responsibility in your email and still keeping it personal.
Close with a Question
I always recommend closing your cold email with a question, so they’ll respond and then from there it will start the dialogue.
Follow Up, then Follow Up Again!
Just because they don’t respond, doesn’t mean you should move on. In fact, nearly 85% of the hot leads we generate come AFTER the initial email send.
Create a series of follow-up messages that go out to people who don’t respond right away. Every 3 to 7 days you should send another.
Test Your Messages
Don’t just use the same email message time and again if it isn’t working. You need to measure three things to determine the success of an email:
  •  Open Rate 
  •  Response Rate 
  •  Sales Generated    
  •  Attachment Engagement Rate

Do some level of outreach every single day. This keeps your pipeline humming. Failing to do this will lead to a dried up pipeline.


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