How to write a perfect follow-up email after an interview (3 word-for-word scripts)

Step 1: Collect contact information before you need it

After the interview and before you even consider rushing home to draft that perfect follow-up email, make sure you do one thing: Grab the business cards or contact information of everyone you spoke to.

Step 2: Craft the perfect follow-up (with scripts)

When you do, here’s that first script from earlier that you can use to follow up with the interview manager:

The initial follow-up email (send ASAP):

  •      It’s a short, simple message. Your follow-up message doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated. In fact, making it too long will either bore the hiring manager or make them think you’re desperate.
  •      It’s specific. Be sure to get specific about the details. Bring up something that you actually enjoyed talking about in the interview. These details will trigger the hiring manager’s memory and help make a great, lasting impression.
  •     It should be sent as quickly as possible. Aim to send your email within two hours of your interview. This will show your enthusiasm, and it’ll be easier for you to remember all the details you should include.

Step 3: Follow up

Don’t sweat it and be patient. It may take the hiring manager several days or weeks to interview the other applicants and make a decision.
If you have not heard a response after a few days, you can send another follow-up email to check in.
Use this gentle email template to nudge them along:

The nudge email (after a few days):

Here’s the email written out so you can copy and paste the template:
The most likely thing is that they’re just busy or your first message got lost in the inbox. This email will grab their attention and bring your interview back to the top of their mind.
When to call it quits on following up
If you still haven’t heard back a week later, reply to your previous interview follow-up email, saying this:
The bump email (After a week of no-response):
If they’re interested, they’ll get back to you. If they still don’t reply, it’s probably safe to assume they’ve chosen someone else for the role.
If that’s the case, don’t beat yourself up. It happens to everyone at some point. Go back to the job search — and prepare even better next time.


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