Follow up email templates

To help you send a follow up email to a prospective client or customer, we’ve prepared 5 business follow up email samples that you can copy and start using in your business today, including a follow up template used by Apple.

1. The ‘How Did We Do?’ follow-up email

Each time a customer contacts your support team, they expect a response.
So, it’s important that you solve their issue quickly and efficiently.
Once their issue is solved, you can send the following email. This template is designed to be sent to follow up with someone after they’ve contacted the customer service and to make sure that they’re entirely satisfied.

2. The ‘Survey’ follow-up email

A ratings scale is a great way to get high volume responses, but if you’re looking for more detailed feedback, you can include a link to a survey within the follow up email.
Depending on the type of questions you ask, this template gives you the opportunity to collect voice of customer feedback, and get real insight into what your customers thinks of your company, your products, and your customer service team.

3. The ‘Just Checking In’ follow-up email

This purpose of this email is to delight and surprise your customers.
Far too often, businesses sell a product and then leave their customers to it.
This template is a great way to build a longer-term relationship. Best of all, it shows them that you care.

4. The ‘Anything else?’ follow-up email

It’s common to solve an issue, but not hear back from the customer.
What usually happens here is that your customer support team will mark the issue as solved and close the ticket. But, what happens if the customer hasn’t had a chance to read the email, or is just busy?
By sending this email, you’re giving the customer a chance to ask anything else and feel entirely satisfied with the interaction, rather than being cut off short, or feeling abandoned.

5. The “Thank you” follow-up email (from Apple)

Apple is renowned for being a customer service leader (scoring 93 out 100).
So, when I reached out to their customer service team recently I had high expectations.
Of course, Apple being Apple, not only did they meet my expectations, but they far exceeded them!
It’s hard to top this kind of service!


If you want to transform your customer service follow-up procedures and impress your customers, then start sending a follow up email to them.
This simple, yet effective approach is only used by 3% of all companies. This represents a huge opportunity to gain a competitive advantage – one that should not be missed!
By using these follow up templates, you’ll not only keep your existing customers happy, but it’s a great way to stand out against the competition and generate business from potential customers.


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