Side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen is usually well tolerated with few side-effects. However, there are some side effects that patients may experience.

Visual refractive changes

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Lubbock TX treatments can temporarily change the shape of the lens in the eye. This change usually reverts back to its pre-treatment status six-eight weeks after treatments stop.

Cataract maturation

While HBO therapy has not been shown to cause cataracts, there is some thought it may cause pre-existing cataracts to mature faster than normal.


Due to the confined and enclosed nature of the hyperbaric chamber, some patients can develop a feeling of claustrophobia, and those who are already claustrophobic can experience a worsening of their symptoms.


Some patients with diabetes experience a drop in blood sugar during hyperbaric treatments. In order to prevent this, patients are encouraged to eat before coming for treatments and blood glucose is monitored during the dive at appropriate intervals.


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