7 Cold Email Tips That Will Increase Response Rate

1. Stop Talking About Yourself

The last thing you want to do is ruin your chances right off the bat by writing paragraphs about yourself and how great your company is. There’s a difference between logically introducing yourself and giving someone who has no idea who you are the entire spiel you give all your SQLs.  

2. Don’t Come Off Too Sales-y

It’s natural to want to drop the ball right away and ask to set a meeting after all, that’s the whole goal of cold emailing. But remember what they say: “Slow and steady wins the race.” That is also true for successful cold emailing.
3. The Subject Line Is Just as Important as the Message Itself
Your email is only as good as your subject line, and there are literally thousands of articles and “science-backed” evidence of subject lines that work.
4. Do Your Research
If you were face-to-face with someone, you wouldn’t call them the wrong name or mistake them for the opposite gender without feeling like a total fool. Don’t let the security of being behind a screen allow you to have a lesser quality conversation.
5. Be Respectful
Let’s say a person replies to one of your emails and you get really enthusiastic and are ready to book that meeting and close that deal, so you rush to reply, but then they all of a sudden go cold again. They replied to your email, though, so they must really be interested, right? You decide to reply again in a few hours maybe they didn’t get your first email
6. Make It Personal
Even if you have built the perfect cold email template, you’ll want to personalize it for each prospect, and I’m not just talking about “[[INSERT FIRST NAME]] here” personalization.
7. Add Value
One of my all-time favorite marketing and sales professionals, Tim Roisterer of Corporate visions, really helped me to transform the way I crafted our sales pitch for my sales team.


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