ways to get more sales referrals in no particular order

Create a referral program with complementary providers to exchange referrals. 

Be sure you only include providers in this network that you'd be comfortable recommending to your best client or best friend.

Recognize and thank your referral sources. 

This could be with a simple phone call, email, or even better, a handwritten note. The important thing is to express your appreciation. You'll also encourage additional referrals this way.

If you have clients who don't refer, create another way for them to recommend you 

I once worked for a large organization that prohibited written testimonials and discouraged referrals; however, I was able to provide recommendations by phone for vendors with which I worked.

Make sure your current clients know about all the products and services you offer

Too often sellers assume their clients know more about them than they do. If you're a market research firm and a client uses only your online survey research services,

Add a link to a form on your website for referral submissions.

Be remarkable; remind clients why your company is special. Give them something (good) to talk about.

Inspire confidence. 

You can inspire confidence in your referral sources by letting them know that 80% (or whatever) of your business comes from repeat customers.

Provide valuable content your referral sources can share with their network

In an invitation to a breakfast or lunch seminar or webinar on an industry topic, research briefs, an article about a regulatory change or industry trend, etc. Make it something special for them to share.

Treat the vendors and suppliers with which you do business as partners. 

Make sure they're aware of who and how you help.

Update your LinkedIn profile 

In stay engaged with your contacts regularly.

Create a list of buyers you want to work with. 

Check out their LinkedIn profiles to see whether you're connected in any way. If so, reach out to them via your network—whether it's an individual, a company, or a group.

Treat your clients as partners, too. 

Let them know you view them as a strategic partner, and tell them you hope they'll do the same with you. Create formal channels to share referrals.

Give a referral. It's one of the best ways to get one in return.

You’ll get a lot more referrals if you ask for them. As you’re completing a project with a client, simply ask if they know anyone who would benefit from something similar.


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