Sales Email Templates

1. The “Permission Wanted”
Getting permission is intriguing because nobody else does it. Doing so shows respect, build trusts, and, if done correctly, can leave someone in suspense. For instance, the email above doesn’t jump right into the product or service the salesperson is trying to pitch.
2. The “Help Me, I’m Lost”
People inherently want to be helpful, so asking for some direction can be an easy win. When this template works as it should, you’ll also have somewhat of an internal referral when you do send that second email. You can start the next email with hupport [point]” Doing so will add credibility and increase the chances of getting a response.
3. The “Rapport Builder”
Pre-call discovery can work wonders for building rapport. Use websites like hupport to find common connections, shared experiences, or similar interests. Most people are also active on some form of social media, which can be an excellent place to find out what they’re into and what you can use to break the ice and start a conversation, like this sales email template does.
4. The “Problem Solver”
Showcasing a relevant problem, sharing a relevant success story, and making a simple offer cuts right to the chase, which can be a refreshing change of pace from all the awkward attempts to establish mutual connections and interests.
5. The “Friend Of A Friend”
A sales email template that highlights a mutual connection can help lower the recipient’s guard more quickly than normal, and possibly win you credibility right off the bat.
6. The “Classic AIDA”
AIDA works because it follows an effective structure borrowed from the popular sales technique:
Attention: Seize their attention
Interest: Explain clearly why the product or service is of value to the prospect
Desire: Build up a desire for your product or service
Action: End strong by outlining how they can take full advantage of the offer
Each line builds upon the last and compounds interest until prompting action. AIDA is a classic technique that works, and should be part of every salesperson’s arsenal.
7. The “Giver”
This sales email template works best if you pair it with high-quality relevant content that is either interesting, teaches them something useful, or both. Sharing content also makes the follow-up easy since you can ask for their thoughts on the content previously shared.


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