Best Subject Lines for Cold Emails

1. “A smarter/better [goal to be reached]”

Sometimes, all we need is a little motivation   and direction. If you’re to receive an email that says that that’s what you’ll get the minute you click on it, chances are you’ll click on it right away.

2. “I would love it for us to chat about [topic/idea]”

No matter what you’re expecting from this email subject lines for networking, if you’ve really taken the time and done your studies and homework right, you can expect wonders from this line.

3. “Here’s a free idea for [topic/problem]”

Something that is both free and helpful can be very hard to resist to, moreover when that something is addressing a painful point on your activity or a problem you’re facing.
That translates to “no payment” for this one thing that could potentially make the person better, wiser about the topic that he’s interested in.

4. “Can I help somehow?”

Just as with the idea offering above, a person will always be interested and happy if you would offer to help, even if most of the times they don’t even need it. By asking if you can help him or her in the subject line of the email, you engage the target to open the message and see what is it that you can do about the situation that might be helpful to them. It works like a charm, as help is hard to find these days.

5. “Just a quick question about [goal/project]”

If we’re talking about eye-catching email subject lines, here’s one for you. If you really want to catch some attention and make the receiver click on your email, you can do that simply by mentioning that you have a question about a goal or a project that you both work on.

6. “Allow me to [what you can apply to resolve a situation]”

When you offer to help someone in an email, the subject line must be personal. If you’re reaching for people that are having trouble with email response rates, for example, you have to let them know from the start that you mean business.

7. “Change your position about teaming up with [your company]?”

When looking for that perfect man for a position that your firm is in desperate need to change, there’s nothing better to do than to ask a person for changing their mind for your benefit. You simply throw the ball in the candidate’s court and wait for their move.


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