Effective Cold Email Subject Lines to Try for Yourself

A. The Introduction Email
Remember, the first hurdle you need to overcome is simply getting your email opened.  Here are a few examples of subject lines to use in your introduction emails:
Make it personal
Personalizing your email subject in any way, like using your prospect’s name, gives you a 22.2% higher chance of having your email opened, according to a report from Cold email.
Referrals provide a powerful advantage in the world of cold email. Using a mutual contact’s name in the subject line creates instant credibility and makes your prospect more inclined to open and reply to your message.
Spark curiosity
Do not open this email
Here we have a classic example of reverse psychology. Telling your recipient not to do something will only make them want it more – even if they might have otherwise skipped over your email.
You are not alone.
This unusual subject line works on a few different levels. It’s intriguing and hard to ignore, plus it gives you an opportunity to address a pain point from a very human perspective.
B. The Follow-Up Email
These subject lines might apply after your first cold email gets a reply or after an initial meeting has already taken place. Whether your prospect just needs a gentle nudge to take the next steps or you haven’t heard back from them lately, these follow-up email subject lines  will help you continue the conversation.
Send a friendly reminder
In a best-case scenario, your prospect will be happy to hear from you and move forward with the deal. Your first follow-up should be light and friendly, but in a way that still gets their attention. Use one of subject lines to casually follow-up without putting too much pressure on your prospect.
Provide more information
Another option is to tie the email into something you said earlier on the phone or during a meeting. For example, if a prospect asked a question and you were unable to provide an in-depth answer on the fly, your follow-up email is the perfect opportunity to provide more information and reconnect.
Highlight multiple touch points
If your voicemails aren’t getting returned as often as you’d like, consider sending follow-up emails with these subject lines to make sure you stay on your prospect’s radar.
C. The Breakup Email
If your prospect doesn’t reply to any of your follow-ups, it’s time to take a different approach. Breakup emails are your last attempt to elicit a response from a silent contact. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in opportunity limbo with a bunch of unanswered questions.


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