Tips for Writing Effective Email Subject Lines

Tip 1: Go Easy on the CAPS

Capitalization can be a powerful tool to draw attention where desired, but with great power comes great responsibility. Use it sparingly and professionally. Capitalizing as you would a title seems to be an unofficial industry standard.

Tip 2: Make a List

People like lists. Perhaps it’s the promise of information diced into easily digestible snippets or maybe it feels like zeroing in on the most important aspects of a given topic. Whatever the reason, people on the Internet enjoy consuming information via numbered/bulleted lists!

Tip 3: Personalize the Message

Personalization in the subject line can be quite a contentious topic. One study from Cold Email suggests that including names in the subject line may actually be detrimental to open rates. 
However, the data scientists at Cold Email say that personalizing subject lines to include the recipient’s full name can positively impact open rates.

Tip 4: Create a Sense of Urgency!

While people don’t like to be yelled at in all CAPS, they do respond well to time sensitive material. The fear of missing out can be a powerful motivator. Key words like “Urgent” or “Breaking” can positively impact open rates.

Tip 5: Keep it Short

Keeping your subject line short and to-the-point is instrumental to establishing a good first impression with the recipient. The ideal subject line lays out the point of the email and sets the expectations for when the reader opens it. This should all be accomplished in 50 characters or less


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