Guide to Follow up email Strategy

Today, we’re going to be looking at how to use follow up emails to convert in a variety of scenarios. We’ll be looking at examples and providing templates for the following types of email follow up:
1.      Cold sales follow-up
2.     Warm sales follow-up
3.     Free trial follow-up
4.     Lead magnet opt-in follow-up
5.     Product sale follow-up
6.     Giveaway entry follow-up
7.     Contributor outreach follow-up
8.     Promotional outreach follow-up
Let’s get started!
The cold sales follow up formula

Cold email outreach is a big part of modern sales, and we’ve covered it fairly extensively on the Close blog.

Before we can get to the follow up email, it’s important that our initial email is strong, so we wanted to start by sharing a tried and tested cold sales email template with you.
The warm lead follow up formula
With cold email outreach, there’s a timeline. If you follow our formula, it’s 1, 2, 3, 4, done. You spend a week on a prospect and move on.
With warm leads, it’s a different story. There is no timeline. You continue following up until you get a yes or a hard no.

How to follow up with free trial signups

The SaaS business model is a bit different than most other business models. Rather than pursuing a one-time sale, your goal is to get users signed up for an ongoing subscription to your software.

How to follow up with lead magnet opt-ins

A lead magnet is simply something of value given away in exchange for a website visitor's email address

Lead magnets tend to be educational in nature, and accordingly, the follow up should nearly always be educational in nature.

How to retain customers with a strong post-sale follow-up

It costs 5x more to attract a new customer versus keeping an existing one. 

Every business model demands a slightly different approach, but we’re going to focus on three highly effective strategies for the purpose of this discussion:
1.      Onboarding
2.      Education
3.      Incentives

How to follow up with giveaway entrants

As we discussed earlier, lead magnets are a fantastic way to build your email list over time.

Giveaways allow you to place tangible, irresistible value in front of your target audience without breaking the bank.
Tools like Rafflecopter or KingSumo Giveaways make it easy for you to incentivize entrants to receive additional entries by referring their friends.

How to follow up with expert contributors

One phenomenal way to amplify your content’s quality and reach is to tap into the expertise of other influencers in your niche.

This campaign got a 60% response rate and resulted in Conversion Science’s most successful post of 2016.

How to follow up on promotional outreach

As more and more marketers are realizing, creating really great content is just the first step in the content marketing equation.

If this can work in the marketing niche, where people are constantly bombarded by hundreds of emails, it will most likely work in your niche as well.


The success of email marketing is ultimately in the follow up.


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