Advantages of Appointment Scheduling Software

1. Ease the scheduling burden.

When you’re trying to bring 20 candidates in for face-to-face interviews, you can end up going back and forth via email for days, or even weeks, trying to find a time that’s convenient for everyone. The scheduling arrangement becomes like a Tetris puzzle.

2. Improve performance tracking.

After implementing video interviews into their hiring process, managers can take a look at their top performers and see if their video responses had anything in common.

3. Make your interviews more consistent.

As much as a hiring manager tries to ask the same questions of each candidate, it can be easy to forget to cover a particular point or to go off track. 
You also have one record of the responses, so everyone involved in the hiring process has the same experience.

4. Create a convenient interview experience for passive candidates.

An individual might not desperately be seeking a new job, but perhaps they’re open to a new career opportunity — particularly if the benefits, perks, and salary are right.
 Therefore, they’re able to throw their hat in the ring and you may just find your next best hire.

5. Get more insight before making big decisions.

Those tasked with hiring quickly become aware of the cost associated with doing so, particularly when you’re working with long-distance talent.
From there, you can gauge whether it’s worth a more in-depth, in-person conversation, and the cost that comes with this type of dialogue.

6. See the candidate’s command over technology.

Regardless of the position for which you’re hiring, you inevitably want the person who fills the role to have some degree of understanding about technology.  In a subtle way, video interviewing software enables you to gauge their level of familiarity with an understanding of technology right off the bat.

7. Reduce the amount of small talk.

When a person comes in for a face-to-face interview, there’s going to be some amount of time dedicated to small talk at the beginning or end of the interview.
Hiring managers can then devote more time to speaking in-person with the most qualified candidates, making better hires, faster and more efficiently.

8. Observe body language and nonverbal cues.

Some hiring managers rely on phone interviews as a way to vet candidates before deciding to bring them in for an in-person conversation. This visual screening gives you a better idea of how well the candidate researched your company based on how they dress for the video interview.

9. Invest time and effort into the best candidates.

When you’re blocking out an hour for each and every potential new hire, your process becomes extremely time-consuming. This is especially true when a large majority of these people just don’t have the qualifications necessary to be a good fit. 


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