Benefits of a Good Email Signature

Email is one of the most important forms of communication in the 21st Century. Digital messaging is where the world has headed.

We mean the standard email that is sent out by your users every day to external and internal recipients. These will inevitably have some form of email signature appended to them.

1. Targeted
You know who receives a message containing your corporate email signature, in what context and when they will see it, which provides immense opportunity for market segmentation and specialization

2. High volume

Studies estimate every worker sends roughly 35 emails per day, a figure that continues to rise year-on-year. In, for example, a 50-person office that’s maybe 1,700 emails every day, which constitutes a substantial marketing audience.

3. Constant

Continual display is also a major feature of the email signature channel as contacts will see it repeatedly and persistently. This runs counter to a few other marketing channels like direct email marketing communications, where the message is only seen once. 
It can also be used to influence those interactions in a subtle way, without disrupting the relationship your colleague and their contact has such as cross-selling an add-on product or service in the email signature message.

4. Valued

Your email signature appears on a message that’s delivering a valuable payload of information, confirmation, assistance etc. The contact wants to read this message so you can guarantee at least one impression with each email signature sent.

5. Personal/trusted

As the reader and sender often know each other, there’s an implicit trust in what’s being said. At the absolute minimum, a corporate email is known to be legitimate, and in many cases, the mere fact it’s from a sender they trust may be reason enough to react to a campaign banner in an email signature.

6. Controlled

You can control and predict the context in which your email signature may be seen when compared with online advertisements that might be displayed alongside contradictory content such as an airline ad beside a story about an air disaster.

7. Business relevant

Email is a channel used to discuss commercial subjects and professional matters, so the marketing content is linked, either directly or indirectly, to what the sender and recipient is discussing at that very moment.

8. Internal Opportunity

All of these points also apply to internal email as well. These include messages sent to colleagues, subordinates, superiors and anyone within your organization.


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