Follow up Email templates for your customers

Each template covers a specific part of the customer follow-up process, so you can choose the templates that best fit the needs of your business.

1. The ‘How Did We Do?’ follow-up email

Each time a customer contacts your support team, they expect a response.
So, it’s important that you solve their issue quickly and efficiently.
2. The ‘Survey’ follow-up email
A ratings scale is a great way to get high volume responses, but if you’re looking for more detailed feedback, you can include a link to a survey within the follow up email.
Google, Typeform and Survey Monkey all offer free tools, so creating a survey for your customers doesn’t need to be expensive.

3. The ‘Just Checking In’ follow-up email

This purpose of this email is to delight and surprise your customers.
Far too often, businesses sell a product and then leave their customers to it.
To create an even greater customer experience, include context by adding the product or service they’ve purchased within the email. which you can import directly from your CRM software.

4. The ‘Anything else?’ follow-up email

It’s common to solve an issue, but not hear back from the customer.
The “join us” template is a great way to follow up with a user who you haven’t communicated with recently. It’s a way to check in with them and offer assistance, should they need it. However, it also doubles as a way to get them to subscribe.

5. The “Join us” follow-up email

One of our loyal readers, Lorie, left a comment asking me how she can follow up with a customer who has signed up to the freemium version of their product but has not yet subscribed to a paid plan.

6. (and 7.) The “Thank you” follow-up email(s) from Apple

Apple is renowned for being a customer service leader (scoring 93 out of a score from 100).
So, when I reached out to their customer service team recently I had high expectations.
Of course, Apple being Apple, not only did they meet my expectations, but they far exceeded them!


This simple, yet effective strategy is only used by 3% of all companies – representing a huge opportunity to gain a competitive advantage – and one that should not be missed!


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