How to write a good follow-up email

1- Create something that is worth the time people will spend reading

This is the number one rule for writing almost anything. You can write the most amazing follow-up emails but, unless you give people a reason to spend their time reading it, they won’t even bother.
It’s rather naive to assume people will keep reading and responding to your emails without any motivation. Pay attention, though.
Plan your communication with prospective buyers ahead so you won’t run out of interesting themes before the buying process has even started.

2- Make your follow-up email about letting people know how you can help

Other than going on and on about how amazing your product is, focus on the recipient’s challenges and how you can help with that. People are more easily involved when they feel like the person in front of the screen took its time to write personalized content focus on their specific needs.
By explicitly letting people know they can talk to you whenever they need is a very important move to gain their trust. By the way, only say that if you mean it. Telling people you’ll be there for them when you won’t is a bad move.

3- Say something nice about the recipient

Saying something nice is always…well, nice! You don’t have to get up close and personal in your choice of compliment, though. Keep it strictly professional, after all it’s a business follow-up email.
It’s also one of the safest, most guaranteed ways to get people’s attention by showing that you care.

4- Keep the recipient interested

Make absolutely sure that each email contains information that’s genuinely new and interesting. Try to learn more about each recipient so that you’ll find the best way to approach each subject in a way that’s interesting to them.
You’re way more likely to grab people’s attention by presenting a solution to a problem than have than by presenting each of your features in generic terms. Find out what your customer’s pain points are and how you can help overcome them.

5- Don’t be too forward/pushy!

Always remember why you’re writing each follow-up email. You didn’t get the deal yet. You need to make sure you have the recipient’s attention and get them interested in your product before suggesting next steps.
Take your time. Build a relationship organically without pushing things to go faster than they naturally would. Timing is everything so make sure you don’t jump the gun before the time is right!

6- Make things personal

This is one of the most important customer service principles. Don’t write generic follow-up emails and expect them to work like a charm. The more personal you make your communication, the grater the odds of it being effective.


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