Expert Tips for Cold Email

You’ve got the data and cold email templates to design a killer campaign. Sprinkle in a few of these tips from the pros, and supercharge the entire thing.
·         Don’t forget to test different subject lines in addition to the main body. Some subject lines like “quick question” are falling out of favor, while others may trigger spam filters. That said, take the advice with a grain of salt and test your subject lines on your audience. There’s an exception to every rule.
·         A popular alternative: try sending a calendar invite with a specific time and date with specific details in the notes section
·         Using video within an email is gaining in popularity, and can increase your click-through rate by 300%. Tools including Soapbox and GoVideo make it easy and user-friendly.
·         Plan for follow-ups
·         Personalization is key. A few quick and easy ‘cheats’ include mentioning their micro industry, location, and/or relevant competitors.
·         Try the Double Tap: send an email late afternoon/early evening, then another the next morning with a link or resource you ‘forgot’ to include in the first one. The omission humanizes you and your brand, and gets your name in front of them twice.
·         Keep it short and to the point, and be absolutely certain it’s mobile friendly.
·         Eliminate phrases like “if it’s not too much trouble” and “I apologize for bothering you, but …” from your messaging.
·         Personalize in human ways, not just business ways. Visiting their city next week? Ask for a restaurant recommendation, for example.
·         Cultivate a help-first mentality to build a genuine relationship with them.


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