Cold Email Best Practices

 Top executives can easily get twice that number.  It’s all part of an internet ecosystem that sees nearly 300 billion emails floating across cyberspace each day.
If you’re still doing a shotgun blast of a one-size-fits-all message to every qualified company, you’re probably one of those that thinks cold email doesn’t work.

1. Segment Your Lists

Ditch the mass mailings and segment your outbound email campaigns into smaller groups based on specific criteria.  Start by subdividing your list by industry and job role. This allows you to personalize your email messages to deliver a more relevant marketing message 

2. Skip The Formalities

Most of the people you’re emailing will see the first few lines on their phone or in the email program’s preview pane.  If you don’t provide value in the first few sentences, your email is headed to the recycle bin.
Get to the point and focus on what you can do for them.  Don’t waste time introducing yourself, your company, or your products.  If they’re interested, they’ll click-through or go online and research.

3. Craft Your Subject Line

Anything that sounds like corporate-speak or marketing will get deleted.  You want to write a subject line the way you would write an email to someone whom you’ve already established a relationship.

If possible, use the prospect’s name, company, or recent accomplishment in the subject line as long as it’s relevant.  Just as there’s no reason to ever do a cold call, there is no reason to do cold emails either.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep.  If your subject line comes off like clickbait, you’re hurting your reputation. 

4. Composing Your B2B Email

If you’ve crafted a subject line and first sentence that gets someone to open your email, congratulations!  You’ve already beat the odds. Now, it’s time to compose the body of your email in a way that engages them right away and drives them towards your goal.
Try different strategies and approaches until you find the ones that work best for you.  Using referrals, invitations to events, offering something for free, or using a mutual connection can all benefit your email.

5. Keep It Short

Keep it short.  If it’s too long, B2B buyers may decide it’s not worth the time to read. Also, studies show shorter emails get better response times and faster responses.

6. Include a Strong Call to Action

Every email needs to drive prospects through the customer journey to take a specific action.  It’s more than just the button or CTA at the end. Each part of your email should provide the reason someone should click when they get to the end. 

7. Include Complete Contact Information

You’d be amazed at how companies send emails and forget to include complete contact information.  Name, business addresses, website, and phone number are a must. It’s also required by law.

8. Stay Legal

Each country or jurisdiction may have different regulations governing the use of email marketing campaigns.  You’ll want to review Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States if your B2B email marketing campaigns are directed at businesses in these countries.
If you’re using a third-party delivery service, it’s still your responsibility to make sure they follow the rules as well.

9. Test and Optimize

Look at the emails you get each day.  What makes you delete one and read the next?  You’ll quickly identify the triggers that work for you.  While it may not work for the next person, it will give you some insight into what motivations lead to action.

10. Follow-Up!

No matter how great your email is, it may get ignored.  Be relentless in your follow-up tactics until the prospect tells you to stop or you determine it’s no longer a viable lead.  Most sales occur after five or more attempts. Yet, most salespeople don’t make more than 1 or 2 attempts to follow-up.


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