Increase your open rates for your follow-up emails

If your open rates are lower than you would like, here are 10 easy ways to improve them.

1. Keep Your List Fresh

You’ve probably heard the advice that it’s important to email your subscribers on a consistent basis so your list doesn’t go stale.
But even so, over time, email subscribers can still go stale. Some people may have changed email accounts, or maybe they just aren’t interested in your brand anymore.
If you are trying to revive a cold list, try conducting a survey. In exchange for answering your questions, they get a free gift (like a $5 gift card, for example).
2. Segment Your List

When people decide whether or not to open an email, one of the most important factors is whether or not they think the email is relevant to them.
Lyris found that 39% of marketers who segmented their email lists experienced higher open rates, 28% experienced lower unsubscribe rates, and 24% experienced better deliverability and greater revenue.

3. Avoid Spam Filters
Spam filters have gotten more sophisticated in the past several years, but they’re still not perfect. Your emails–even your best emails–can still get caught in the dreaded spam folder, never to see the light of day.
If you want to maximize the reach of your email marketing campaigns, you’ll need to do everything possible in order to avoid being flagged as spam.
4. Perfect Your Timing
Timing can have a huge effect on whether or not your subscribers open your emails, so think carefully about what time and day you send your emails out.
But the bottom line on email send time is this: imagine a day in the life of your particular audience.
All of these questions will help you decide on the best time to send your emails.
5. Make Your Subject Line Stand Out
When it comes to email open rates, your subject lines are everything. Your job is to make your subject lines stand out.
Companies have used email marketing for years, often copying the same subject line formulas. As a result, these common subject lines are often filtered out as white noise.
Reference by Cold Email


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