How to write a sales email people

1. Subject Line

Keep your sales email subject line short and enticing. Remember, the goal is to pique the interest of your reader, not to sound like a used-car salesman.
Here are some more discoveries Hupport made about email subject lines from a study conducted in 2014 using 6.4 million emails:

2. Opening Line

When it comes to your sales email's opening line, avoid beginning with, “Hi my name is …”
Instead, start with something more impactful by talking to your reader.

3. Body Copy

Your sales email's body copy should convey value by connecting your business to your prospect. Avoid generic value propositions such as, “We help web marketing firms increase their lead generation by 400% and effortlessly prove ROI to their clients.”

4. Closing

A strong close to your sales email gives recipients a clear path to action.
If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?

5. Signature

A sales email signature should not be a distraction — nor should it be a source of cliché inspiration. Instead, stick to these email signature guidelines:
·         Keep it short, simple, professional, and on-brand.
·         Include your phone number for contact purposes.
·         Include a link to your online profile of choice — such as LinkedIn or Facebook — so recipients can connect with you.
·         Avoid images and quotes entirely.


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