How to cold email a VIP

(Elite people)

I kept emailing Seth Godin. I would write this beautiful email - and he would write me back one line. At the time, I thought that was pretty rude. Now that I get over 1,000 emails daily, I understand the time demands Seth has. And I’m humbled he even sent me a response.
Today, I’m going to show you three steps you can use to make your email stand out in a busy person’s inbox so you get a reply. These strategies will make unreachable VIPs drop what they’re doing to respond to you.

Step 1: Focus on what’s in it for THEM

The person you’re trying to reach is busier, more important, and more successful than you. So you need to give them a reason to open your email. You need to make sure your subject line is engaging. Otherwise they’ll hit delete.
He not only complimented me, he shared the results he’s gotten from my advice. Everyone loves a genuine compliment. It shows that you’re familiar with their work. So before you even introduce yourself, compliment your VIP and their work.

Step 2: Make them care

Sometimes you might be fortunate enough to have a common connection with the VIP. If that’s the case, name drop so they know how you know them. In most other cases, you need to establish a common ground quickly.
You can set yourself apart from 99% of the crowd like         this by using the briefcase technique. This requires some homework. You need to know exactly what would benefit your busy VIP. You need to find out the problems they’re having that you can solve.
For example, say you notice they’re doing more video and you know a way they can improve them to get more subscribers. Tell them. In fact, go ahead and do it for them or if you’re a pro at SEO, identify ways they can improve their website and share that with them.

Step 3: Make saying “yes” a no - brainer

My reader put me in an interesting position. He knew I had a few projects I wanted to do but hadn’t made the time for yet. While you can tell he’s fishing for paid work, he counters by letting me know that be happy just for the opportunity to network and receive a little advice.”
Some people don’t have the time to hop on the phone or maybe they prefer replying by email. Either way, gives them immediate access to you. As a bonus, if you have a website to show samples of your work, include it. That’s additional proof that you’re the person to get these projects done.
Now here’s your challenge:
  1. Brainstorm ONE busy VIP you’d love to contact, and then shoot them an email.
  2. In the comments below, share your story and the response you got.

Get Big Wins with word-for-word email scripts you can start using now

When I was starting out, I would have killed for word-for-word email scripts proven to work. Today I want to give you some scripts I’ve developed so you don’t have to struggle like I did.
These scripts have worked for thousands of my students - people like you who know the importance of email and want to get it right. These scripts cover:
  • How to set up an informational interview
  • How to ask for recommendations for people to talk to
  • How to cold email a stranger for advice
  • How to write a pitch for a consulting gig or a job interview
  • How to reach out to others in your company to get to know them


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