Email Marketing Tips and Tricks

Email marketing is not going anywhere. According to a study by ExactTarget, 77% of consumers prefer to receive permission-based marketing communications through email.

Make the most of your email marketing efforts by following these quick and easy rules:

1. Consider the format.

43% of emails are read on mobile devices—that’s up from 10% in 2011—according to research conducted by Litmus, an email-testing and analytics firm

2. Rethink the “From” line.

The verdict is still out on this one. Some marketing experts recommend using your brand or company name; others suggest using the actual name and email address of someone within your organization because it is more personal.

3. Write a killer subject line.

That fancy template you chose and great copy you wrote won’t matter one bit if people don’t open the message. Increase your open rates by writing intriguing yet concise and direct subject lines.

4. Establish a clear call to action.

Recipients should know exactly what you want them to do with the message.

5. Watch your language.

If your email is caught in a spam filter, your messages will never reach potential customers.

6. Don’t botch your first connection.

When you make initial contact with an email subscriber, avoid the hard sell. Don’t offer a sales pitch or attempt to close a deal in the first sentence. Instead, build rapport and familiarity.

7. Add a personal touch.

Personalization goes a long way. Some people choose to invest in systems that will allow you to add people’s names to the subject line and body of the messages, but this approach is not for everybody.

8. Offer valuable freebies.

You have to give customers a reason to open your messages, so whether you choose to offer coupons or discounts, sponsor free events, invite readers to sign up for a free content newsletter, or dole out special reports or industry insight, just make sure that you offer something of value.


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