Cold Email SPAM

There is a difference between bulk pharmacy product emails (which accounts for 81% of spam) and one-to-one emails to a targeted business audience.
Under the CAN-SPAM act, you are able to send emails to business people that you do not know. However, you want to make sure you are complying with the rules that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has outlined.
Luckily, that isn’t difficult to do. Here are the seven things you need to incorporate when sending cold emails:
  1. Don’t misrepresent who you are – Basically, your “From”, “To”, and “Reply-To” information needs to identify who you are.
  2. Don’t use misleading subject lines – Using a subject line of “Your receipt” when pitching your product/service would be misleading. Keep it real.
  3. Identify if the email is an ad – If your email is an advertisement or special coupon offer, just make sure it is labeled as such.
  4. Include your business address – This can be a PO Box or your physical address, but you have to include it. Ideal placement for this information would be in your signature.
  5. Give them an opt-out option – You don’t have to use an “unsubscribe” link which takes away some of the personal aspects of the email. Instead, ask them, “Please let me know if you are not the right person to contact for this.” It’s a good alternative that keeps things personal.
  6. Honor opt-outs – If they don’t want any future emails, make sure they don’t get any more emails. I don’t even respond to the request, I just make sure they don’t get any more follow-ups.
  7. Know what others do/send on your behalf – Even if you hire a company to handle your email outreach, you are still legally responsible. Make sure whoever you have working on your email outreach understands these seven rules.
Cold Email Best Practices

Put yourself in their shoes

How do your customers view the problem you are trying to solve? Have your message meet them where they are at, and help them solve a legitimate problem.
Write Like You Talk
People can sniff out “marketing copy” right away. Write your message like something you would send to a coworker, not giving a speech to 1,000 people.
Forget the Introduction
When someone views your message on their mobile device, and the first line reads, “I’m Mike with ABC Corporation,” you make it very easy for your prospect to delete the message and not read any further, especially if you hit them on a busy day. Ditch this intro! There will be an appropriate time for an introduction later.
You have a very short window to get your prospects attention. Lead with your most compelling piece of info, and make it good!
Keep it Short
If your message is a burden for your prospect to read and/or respond to, they won’t. So keep it short and simple.
If you can, adding your prospects first name is good, but not essential. Especially if you can jump right into a conversation they are excited to talk about.
Put All Contact Info in Your Signature
Make it easy for your prospect to do a little detective work by architecting your signature to include the links you want them to see. Be subtle about this, less is more in many cases.
Avoid Images
Images can hurt deliverability, and may be better served on a landing page after your prospect clicks your link.
Include a P.S.
You can use the P.S. to satisfy the opt-out requirement, keeping the message conversational rather than having the obnoxious opt-out link.
Asking a quick question can be a great way to entice your prospect into a conversation with you. A great way to begin the relationship building phase towards the sale!
Follow Up, then Follow Up Again!
If your prospect doesn’t reply to your initial message, go ahead and follow up. They may still be interested when they have more time to respond!
Try different hooks in each of your messages. Try giving them more or less details, and try different links and educational resources.
Don’t ever quit! It can be a numbers game on some level, and a dedicated commitment to sales prospecting can bear a lot of fruit over time




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