Best Cold Email Templates


1. The hyper-personalized cold email to decision makers

A well-crafted personalized cold email stands out from the hundreds of generic cold emails your recipients receive each day. And there are huge chances that it will produce the results you want – a response or a meeting with the prospect.
One way to personalize emails is by looking at their website/product and finding out what’s currently wrong with their system. Once you’ve nailed the pain points, you get to be the hero and fix it.
Here’s an example of a highly personalized cold email sent from one of our SDR.
  • ·         Address the right recipient
Your research should not limit to just the company but should also include finding the right recipient to contact in the organization. Make it clear why you’re reaching out to them as opposed to anyone else in their company.
According to the data shared by Tucker Max on the Harvard Business Review website said that “people are far more motivated to help others when they feel uniquely qualified to do so.”
  • ·         Show (not tell) the value
One great way to grab the recipient’s attention is to show them how your solution can help provide value. Get creative. Add a screenshot of their website/product or a short video that shows how they can benefit from using your product. Giving the value early in your outreach process shows that you value the lead’s time and they don’t have to hang with you in case they aren’t looking for a similar solution.

2. The cold email to get in touch with your competitors’ customers

To grow your customer base, you also need to get in touch with your competitors’ customers. Many businesses are dissatisfied with their current solution, and if you’re able to jump in and offer your solution at the right time, then there is an opportunity for a sale.
Here’s an example of an email our sales department representative sent out to one of our competitors’ customers.
  • ·         Maintain a casual email tone
The tone of your cold email matters, especially when you are unfamiliar with the company and recipient. Using boring, rigid and sales-y language isn’t going to coax them to do business with you. Instead, use a casual and conversational tone to get them excited and interested in your solution.
  • ·         What’s in it for them
Your email should clearly state the benefit the lead would gain by moving from your competitor. Tell them what makes you different and why should they opt for your solution. Share some materials to prove your point, but make sure you don’t come across as sales-y or too pushy.

3. The email to re-engage with prospects gone cold

There is nothing more frustrating for an SDR to watch a once-piping hot lead going cold as ice. You know the prospects are reading your emails, they are looking at your website (thanks CRM!), but for some reason, you can’t seem to get a response.
But hey, just because a promising prospect went cold on you don’t mean they are dead. You can always revive old opportunities by warming them up and putting them back into your sales campaigns.
  • ·         Add a little bit of humor
Most people like laughing – so make them laugh! Add a meme or funny emoticons to crack them up. Adding a little bit of fun to your cold email isn’t going to hurt, and it almost always works.
  • ·         Follow up till they respond
Not all cold leads are going to turn into hot customers. But as a sales development representative, you need to qualify or disqualify them as soon as possible. It’s not worth spending time on leads who are never going to become your customers.  

4. The cold email with social proof to win over prospects

Just by rattling about the benefits of your product isn’t going to entice prospects to spend their precious time with you. You need to build credibility with the prospect, for them to take you seriously and consider buying from you. And one of the ways to do that is by adding social proof in your cold email.
·         Keep it short and crisp
A long introduction, bragging about your company not only makes your email harder to read but also makes recipients lose interest faster. Instead get straight to the point and explain everything that you want in the first two sentences.  
  • ·         Maintain an email structure
Your cold email should have a great opener, your objective, social proof and a call to action in separate paragraphs. If a paragraph exceeds more than 2-3 lines, break it up by using bullet points.

5. The cold email with useful (helpful) resources 

When you get emails from a stranger asking for your precious time, do you oblige? Well, in most cases, we don’t. That’s the case with your recipients as well, where you are the stranger to them.
So instead of always asking for the lead’s time, share some useful resources that will help them learn more about your solution. Send some of your best blogs that they can consume and also share on their social network. If they like what they see, they will also give you a time to call.
  • ·         Share relevant content
These emails work because you are giving them the value even before they ask for it.
  • ·         Leave communication open
In this case, you aren’t pushing for a sale or asking for their time. Instead, you are giving them an option to get in touch with you, which increases their desire to do.

6. The cold email with statistical information 

Sharing some helpful information about the prospect’s industry not only grabs their attention but also creates a hook to introduce your solution.
  • ·         Use stats to get their attention
Using performance stats in your cold emails catches attention and creates an aura of authenticity. It also serves as a hook to introduce your solution.
  • ·         Nail your CTA
When you end your email with “Are you free to talk next week?”, your prospects aren’t going look for a convenient date and time on their calendar to talk to you. Instead, make the decision a lot easier for them by giving them a specific date and time.  

7. The generic cold email template

Your outreach lead list not only has decision makers but also involves influencers and the ones below them. And when you send out emails to the latter group, you don’t necessarily have to hyper-personalize it.
  • ·         Validate yourself
When you get emails from a stranger, you want to know who that person is and why they matter to you. Any form of social proof – a famous customer, an investor, or a mutual LinkedIn connection – helps to build your credibility and trust with the prospect.
  • ·         Show you have the expertise
Listing out the customers who share similar persona, pain and priorities shows that you have the expertise and builds your credibility.


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