Testosterone Therapy, Miami

Testosterone Therapy, Miami is an acronym for testosterone replacement therapy, sometimes called androgen replacement therapy. It’s primarily used to treat low testosterone (T) levels, which can occur with age or as a result of a medical condition.
Hormones start to decline in mid to late twenties and that is when the aging process sets in. We maintain fairly healthy hormone levels until age 35 to 40 and that is about how long we could be expected to live until about 100 years ago. 
Your body naturally produces less T as you age. According to an article in American Family Physician, the average male’s T production goes down by about 1 to 2 percent each year.
They are:
  1. As you age, your testicles produce less T.
  2. Lowered GnRH causes your pituitary gland to makes less luteinizing hormone (LH).
  3. Lowered LH results in lowered overall T production.
Risks of Testosterone Therapy, Miami
A relatively small number of men experience immediate side effects of testosterone treatment, such as acne, disturbed breathing while sleeping, breast swelling or tenderness, or swelling in the ankles. 
Some physicians also have a lingering concern that Testosterone Therapy, Miami could stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells.
As with the hypothetical cardiac risks, the evidence is mixed. But because prostate cancer is so common, doctors tend to be leery of prescribing testosterone to men who may be at risk.
For male patients with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for men usually outweigh potential risks
 It offers men who feel lousy a chance to feel better, but that quick fix could distract attention from unknown long-term hazards. 
Causes of Testosterone Therapy, Miami
This gradual decrease in T often doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms. But a significant drop in T levels may cause:
  • low sex drive
  • fewer spontaneous erections
  • erectile dysfunction
  • lowered sperm count or volume
  • trouble sleeping


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