Overview of Decubitus Ulcers, Lubbock TX

Skin infections cause swelling of the skin, skin discoloration, discomfort, irritation and pains. Skin infections could be severe or mild. It can be cured by the Skin Infection Treatment.
Stages of Decubitus Ulcers, Lubbock TX
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has developed a series of four stages of a decubitus ulcer to aid in diagnosis and treatment.
Stage I: 
The skin is discolored but not broken. Light-complexioned people may have red marks. Dark complexioned people may have a discoloration that is blue or purple. In some people, the discoloration is white.
Stage II: 
Skin breaks open and the ulcer is shallow with a reddish or pinkish wound bed. There may be tissue death around the wound, or a fluid-filled blister.
Stage III: 
Ulcer on the skin is deeper, affecting the fat layer and looking like a crater. Pus may be in the wound.
Stage IV: 
Ulcer moves to deeper layers of muscle or bone. A dark material called "eschar" may be inside the ulcer.
An ulcer that is yellow or green. It might have a brown scab covering it, or be soft and look pus filled. A dry and stable ulcer surface is the body's natural protection and should be allowed to continue healing.
Prevention of Decubitus Ulcers
Bedsores can still form even if a patient is receiving excellent medical care or household care. To help prevent bedsores in a person who is confined to a bed or chair, the plan of care includes these strategies:
Relieve pressure on vulnerable areas 
Use pillows to raise the person's arms, legs, buttocks and hips. Relieve pressure on the back with an egg-crate foam mattress, a water mattress or a sheepskin.
Reduce shear and friction 
Keep the bed free from crumbs and other particles that can rub and irritate the skin. Use sheepskin boots and elbow pads to reduce friction on heels and elbows. Wash the person gently. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the skin.
Inspect the person's skin at least once each day 
Early detection can prevent stage I redness from becoming worse.
Encourage the person to eat well
The diet should include enough calories, protein, vitamins and minerals. If the person cannot eat enough food, ask your doctor about nutritional supplements.
Encourage daily exercise — Exercise increases blood flow and speeds healing. In many cases, even bedridden people can do stretches and simple exercises.


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