Complications of Sclerotherapy, Miami

Sclerotherapy, Miami is a medical procedure whereby a chemical, the sclerosant, is injected into a vein to entirely obliterate it. Smaller veins that feed these varicose veins can also become enlarged and appear as red or blue spider veins in the skin. Varicose veins can lead to a chronic swelling condition of the leg called venous insufficiency.  

Complications of Sclerotherapy, Maimi

Superficial thrombophlebitis
Most people will experience some hard lumps which form in the treated veins. These are areas of blood clotting in the treated veins. This process may be hastened by your doctor inserting a needle into the lumps and aspirating the clots which liquefy again after a few weeks.
Brown pigmentation of the skin
This can occur following superficial thrombophlebitis described above and can be permanent. However it will usually fade over a period of several months and may disappear completely.
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
If the solution passes into the deep veins there is a risk of thrombosis. This may be very minor with no symptoms or a major blood clot with a risk of a pulmonary embolus. It is for this reason that only small volumes of the foam are injected at a time and the ankle is exercised in order to maintain good flow in the deep veins.
Skin ulceration
If the solution does not go into the vein but goes into the surrounding tissues it can cause a small ulcer of the skin. This will heal up but this may take several weeks and could leave a scar.
Allergic reaction
Allergy to the solution used is rare but can occur. If you have any allergies you should inform your doctor.
Visual disturbance
There are reports of temporary visual disturbance with foam injections. It is not certain why this occurs but it is more common in people who suffer from migraines.
There have been a very small number of reported instances of a stroke occurring after foam Sclerotherapy, Miami.  There may have been particular reasons why strokes occurred in these cases, including a high volume of foam injected.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask either your consultant or one of their team, or the nurses who are looking after you on the ward.


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