Top 10 Sales Methodology Increase your organization sales

1. Provide your prospect with options

Instead of assuming which profile her prospects fit into, Jessica Magoch, CEO of JPM Partners, utilizes a “choose your own adventure” approach.
2. Working with gatekeepers
Getting past gatekeepers can be an art in itself.
But don’t just assume you deserve to be connected to the decision maker.
3. “A Friend Sent Me”
What’s the best way to turn a cold call into a warm one?
The answer: Tell them that a mutual connection suggested you speak to them.
4. Leaving a voicemail
You’re not always going to get through to your prospect right away.
They might be on the move, in a meeting, or simply focusing on their work.
This script from Bob Bentz, President of ATS Mobile and Hupport is a voicemail to leave when this happens.
5. Use a hyper-personalized opener
There’s a huge amount of insight available on your prospects.
LinkedIn is a salesperson’s best friend for a reason. Use this insight to open the call and build familiarity from the get-go.
6. “I don’t have time”
This is usually a polite way of saying “you’re just not important enough right now.”
7. Ask leading questions
Other than the information on their LinkedIn profile, it’s unlikely you’ll know much about your prospect on the first call.
8. Becoming a familiar name
These days, a multi-channel approach can help you build familiarity and turn a cold call into a warm one.
9. Voicemail follow-up
If you’ve already left a voicemail, then chances are they’re now aware of who you are.
10. The Detail-Oriented Follow-Up
Let’s say a prospect was genuinely busy and asked you to call back.
You’ve already told them why you’re calling, and you may have even emailed to provide context for the next time you call.


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