Email Workflow

Email workflow is a series of automated emails that trigger based on subscriber behavior or data. These are often referred to when marketers assemble a series of automated emails that work together to accomplish a goal, such as onboarding new customers or nurturing new leads. Through a series of emails within an email workflow, the customer journey continues until they are finally ready to make a conversion and take the next step.

1. It’s automatic

One of the biggest benefits of email workflows is they are automatic. After they've been set up, you can choose specific criteria to trigger the workflows. You don't need someone to click send and you can rely on the email automation to work 24/7.

2. Nurturing leads

Email workflows are designed to nurture your leads. 
Some businesses get their sales team to contact new leads immediately before it goes cold. But sometimes, these leads are not ready to be contacted by a salesperson. Just because a contact has downloaded a free how-to guide from your website, doesn't mean they want to talk to your sales team.

3. Benefits sales team

As email workflows are designed to nurture potential customers, this hugely benefits your salespeople. They can see what emails and content the lead has read and engaged with. There's a higher chance the lead will be interested by what your business has to offer.
Some email workflow tools, like Hupport, will send internal emails to employees if/when an email recipient makes a specific action.

4. Relevant to the email recipient

When you start planning your email workflows, you can make sure they are entirely relevant to the people who will be receiving them.
It's irritating when you receive several emails from a company that are irrelevant and unhelpful. Most people will then unsubscribe or send your emails to their spam folder.

5. Increases brand awareness

When the email contact receives helpful and relevant emails from your workflow, they will naturally have a greater awareness and understanding of your business.
So, when it's time for a salesperson to contact them, they will know exactly who and what your business is, and they will likely be more interested in what you've got to say.

6. Personalization

In some email workflow tools, you can personalize your emails.
In personalized email workflows, when an email is automatically sent, it will have personalization tokens that are filled with the contact's information. Instead of saying, 'Hi, there,' the email will instead say, 'Hi, Bill.'
Some email workflow tools can also add other personal information like location, the company they work for and much more.


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