Why Do You Need a Strong Email Strategy?

Businesses now demand personalized marketing and dynamic results, all on a small budget. In other words, you need to make the most of the key characteristics of emailing.
Emailing is not only the most tested communication method, but also the most powerful marketing channel available.


Email offers unparalleled reach, and it’s also very visible: 90% of emails get delivered. These statistics trump alternative channels such as Facebook, where just 2% of your followers will organically see your content.
The click-through rate (CTR) can also be much higher, compared to alternative channels. Of course, the CTR is contingent on a strong strategy and the best follow-up emails possible. Here’s a closer look at ways to achieve a higher CTR.

When to Send a Follow-up Email

In email marketing, timing is a huge factor that will determine whether you’re successful. A 30-minute window could mean the difference between your email being clicked and read, and being deleted without a moment’s hesitation.
But in terms of general advice, here are some of the best tips about timing.
Avoid the Monday Purge
Most professionals start their week by organizing their tasks and sorting through the emails they received while they were away. They’ll often delete anything that appears to be unimportant or unsolicited, so you should avoid sending those emails on Saturdays, Sundays, or Monday mornings.
Also Avoid Fridays
At the end of the week, most professionals spend their time finalizing tasks and thinking about their weekend plans. These professionals aren’t in the right mindset to start thinking about new products or prospects, so it’s better to avoid sending emails on Fridays.
Midweek at 2 pm
your best bet for achieving email marketing success is sending emails on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at around 2 pm.
Break the Mold
However, the following best practices can also be challenging, given that you run the risk of sending your email at the same time as everybody else. In other words, you can reduce the amount of attention your email receives and lower your CTR.


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