How To Send A Follow Up Email: 9 Simple Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Luckily, writing great follow-up emails doesn’t have to be difficult. With just a few simple tricks, you can quickly learn how to write follow-up emails without all the guesswork.

Mistake #1. Your Emails Are Too Long

If you’re trying to reach someone important, chances are they’re pretty busy. This means you need to keep your emails short. Otherwise, they simply won’t be read.
A recent study on optimal follow up email length conducted by professors at NYU, Boston University, MIT found that shorter emails received faster responses and increased productivity.  

Mistake #2. Lacking a Clear Call-to-Action

If you want to dramatically increase the odds of getting a response from your follow up emails, especially a positive one, it’s important to have a clear call-to-action.
If you’re not already familiar, a CTA is a specific instruction telling the prospect, lead or customer what you want them to do next.
This could be responding to your email, scheduling a meeting, or clicking on a link you sent.
Scheduling apps like Hupport can also make this easier and you should definitely include scheduling links like this when considering how to send a follow up email.

Mistake #3. Failing to Leverage Social Proof

You want to tell people why you’re worth their time by providing social proof that they can’t deny – and that they don’t have to search for themselves. Because chances are, they don’t have the time.

Mistake #4. You Sound Like a Robot (Show Your Personality)

Email Templates are great. But they’re also obviously predictable.
Remember how we talked about the importance of customization? Well, that goes for templates, too.
Your boring and predictable templates are costing you. Be unexpected or even humorous. You’ll want to tread carefully with humor, as not all jokes are appreciated by all people.
Be sure that whatever humor you use isn’t offensive, tacky, or inappropriate.
Even just a funny subject line can make all the difference between getting a message back and never receiving a response.


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