Different Ways To Create Passive income, Dallas In Real Estate

Self-storage facilities: 

Self-storage facilities continue to be very much in demand and can be found almost anywhere in the U.S. All facility costs and vacancies can be spread across many units, equating to a relatively low per-unit cost.

Mobile home parks: 

Mobile homes offer an attractive housing option for residents under economic stress, or in markets where housing prices have skyrocketed. Investors who own a mobile home park typically own the land, while collecting rents from residents who choose to locate their mobile home on the property.

Land lots: 

Investing in land in it can be a unique niche, and can be used to improve or split up to be sold as smaller lots. This strategy can be effective if the invest finds a plot of land in an area that is up-and-coming or will soon be developed, and sells it for a profit.

Vacation rentals: 

A property might pose as a good short-term or vacation rental candidate, especially in markets with a significant transient population, as well as tourist attractions. Investors who own a vacation rental can often charge more on a per-night basis, than they would with a long-term tenant.

Tax liens & deeds: 

The government reserves the right to seize a property when taxes go unpaid. Investors have the opportunity to buy up tax lien properties at a significant discount, but should only take action if they have a solid strategy in place.

Note investments:

Homebuyers have the option of taking out a home loan in the form of a private note, instead of a conventional loan. There is a large market surrounding the buying and selling of these notes, some of which are delinquent.
Investors can purchase performing and non-performing notes from other owners at a discount.

Hard money lending: 

Investors who have sufficient liquidity can consider privately lending money to help other individuals purchase property, who promise to pay back the principal at a high interest rate.

Property rehabs: 

Fixing and flipping properties requires a more active role in real estate investing, but can be quite lucrative.


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