Preparing for Bariatric Surgery Dallas

When you're preparing for Bariatric Surgery Dallas, we're here to help reduce your stress, minimize your risk of complications, and support you throughout your weight loss journey.
Pre-Operative Testing
Whether you are having a gastric bypasssleeve gastrectomyduodenal switcha revision or other type of weight loss procedure, you’ll complete several pre-operative tests, such as:
·         Blood work
·         x-ray
·         gastro-intestinal tests
·         electrocardiogram (EKG)
Pre-Operative Consultations
You’ll meet with our surgical weight loss care team for consultation and evaluation, including:
·         Registered Dietitian
·         Psychologist
·         Physical Therapist
Pre-Surgical Lifestyle Changes
Preparing for Bariatric Surgery Dallas involves several lifestyle changes designed to help reduce risks during your weight loss procedure and make your recovery period easier. You may be introduced to our Alter G anti-gravity treadmill.
Stop Smoking
If you smoke and you'd like help quitting, Northern Westchester Hospital offers a free smoking cessation clinic where you'll learn tips and techniques to help you become a non-smoker.
You will reduce your risk of complications during the surgery if you quit smoking. Stopping smoking also helps to prevent blood clots, anesthetic risks, and infections after the procedure.
Modify Your Diet
Your surgeon will likely order specially-designed meal plan for you that includes high-protein, low-fat meal replacement shakes to help reduce the amount of fat around your liver and spleen. This helps to increase the chance of a successful surgery.
Gradually Reduce or Stop Certain Medications
If you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications like blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, and birth control pills, be sure to discuss this with your weight loss surgery team before your surgery date.
You may need to either gradually reduce or completely stop certain medications one to two weeks before your procedure.
Plan for Success!
Stock up on healthy foods before your weight loss surgery and remove unhealthy food from your house. Plan to take time off work. Find help with child care, household chores, and your pets, especially during the first week you are home when you need around-the-clock care.


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