Facet Joint Syndrome Treatment

The treatment for a locked facet joint is relatively simple. Your physiotherapist will quickly detect which facet joint is locked. Then proceed to unlock it. Usually, a locked facet can be unlocked using a painless joint releasing technique.


Massage can be an excellent form of muscle spasm relief to allow your facet joint spasm to release.


Localised acupuncture or dry needling techniques can provide localised muscle spasm and facet pain relief. Ask your physiotherapist for more advice.

Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections are sometimes used to confirm a diagnosis and provide short-term (a week or two) relief. Researchers have found that facet joint injections are less effective than patients who exercise in the long-term. (Mayer et al 2004)


Radiofrequency is sometimes used in chronic cases which do not respond to physiotherapy treatment. Radiofrequency cauterizes the nerve, providing pain relief for a period of time. The downside is that the pain normally returns when the nerve regrows within a few months.


Every case of facet joint pain is different. Please check with your physiotherapist for their professional opinion. on what treatment plan is best for you.


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