How do you write a 30-60-90-Day Plan?

You generally need about a page per 30-day section, with action steps you'll take when you start the job. Every job has things that need to be done in order for you to be successful in it. List these out, as specifically as possible.

First 30 Days

The first 30 days of your plan should usually be focused on training–learning the company systems, procedures, people, products, services, software, vendors, and/or customers. So, most of the items in your 30-day plan should be along the lines of attending training, mastering product knowledge, learning specific corporate systems, traveling to learn your territory (if you’re in sales), meeting other members of the team, or reviewing accounts--all the things you'd need to do to get your bearings and get started. Not every boss has a lot of time to train you, so if you can show how you can get up to speed on your own, they love it. No hand-holding necessary for you.

Second 30 Days (the 60 Day part)

The next 30 days are focused on more field or independent time, more involvement in issues, more customer or vendor introductions, reviews of customer satisfaction, reviews of procedures....just getting deeper into things. More details, more responsibility. A big point here in this 60-day section is getting feedback from your manager to see how you're doing. Put this in your plan.

The Last 30 Days (the 90 Day part)

The last 30 days are the "taking off on your own" part. By now, you should be up to speed, rolling with some independence, and contributing significantly. You should know your way around by now and be initiating things on your own:  thinking of ways to increase customers or revenue, generating ideas to save time or money, implementing plans or schedules, fine-tuning your schedule, and continuing  to get performance feedback.


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