Cold Email Templates

Here are two cold email templates that you can use to create emails your prospects will want to open.

1. Email template for finding the decision maker in the company

Voodoo ox helps increase the revenues of Fortune 500 companies by marketing to Spanish-speakers. Each month we reach 25 million Spanish speakers with an audio message they must hear. We insert 30-second audio and SMS advertisements into phone calls made on calling cards. The benefit to users is they make their call free. The benefit for our clients is they can increase store revenue by providing text message coupons. Typical redemption is 3%. You can measure results online and with store sales. Advertisements can target specific ethnic groups and geographies. Some clients include Burger King, P&G and Chili's.
If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like? If not, who do you recommend I talk to?
This template is used by Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of Breakthrough Email, as a first touch email. He clearly states the purpose of the email and includes information about previous clients to demonstrate his credibility. The email is wrapped up with a call-to-action that outlines the next steps.

2. Email template to build rapport

Just left a quick message at the office for you. I chuckled a little bit when I got an automated email this morning from your predecessor, [NAME OF PREDECESSOR] who we worked with briefly, and before him, [OTHER FORMER COWORKER NAME], who we worked with as well.
First and foremost, congrats on coming into this new role! I'm sure you've got a lot going on - so this conversation might be timely or not.
My role here is working with businesses (in the area) on how they can effectively and efficiently drive more traffic to their website, increase conversions, and nurture leads into customers.
Caroline Ostrander, a Hub Spot Fermium Service Manager, and former Business Development Representative, used this template after researching the prospect and finding a rapport building opportunity. Not only was she able to relate to the prospect regarding the new job, but she also mentioned his co-worker's names and referenced her other attempts to help their company.
Crafting the perfect cold sales email can be tricky, but these tips and templates are a great place to start. Above all else, remember to keep it simple. Looking for more sales email templates? Check out these effective sales email templates next.
Editor's note: This post contains an excerpt from the book the predictable revenue guide to tripling your sales, and is published here with permission.
Heather R.       Morgan is the founder of salesclerk, a B2B sales emailing consultancy. These are some of her best messaging tips, written in her own words.


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