30-60-90 Day Plan Template

30-60-90 Day Plan Template

30 Days


Many new hires are eager to impress, so they dive head-first into their work or try to make suggestions about their team’s process with limited experience in how their new team operates. But have patience.
Understanding your company’s vision and your team’s existing strategy is crucial for producing high-quality work and actually making an impact. If you don’t know the purpose behind your role or the optimal way to perform, you’ll risk missing the mark and your early efforts won’t pay off the way you expect them to.
It’s always better to over-prepare than under-prepare. And it’s okay to take time to learn the ropes -- it pays huge dividends in the long run. In the first 30 days of your employment, your priority is to be a sponge and soak in as much information as possible. Once you do that, you can then try to improve more specific parts of your team’s work style.

Theme: Be a SpongeLearning Goals:

·Read my company’s culture code to learn more about our company culture and why we implement it.
·Read the customer persona and target audience overview to truly understand who our customers are, their pain points, and how our product and content can help them.
·Meet with my team’s director to learn about how meeting our goals will help our business grow.
·Read up on our team’s new SEO strategy, editorial process, and traffic goals.
·Learn how to use the SEO Insights Report to plan and structure blog posts.
·Review my team’s pillar-cluster model overview and understand how to match posts to clusters.
·Meet with my manager to learn more about her expectations.

Performance Goals:

·Complete new hire training and pass the test with a 90% or higher.
·Be able to write 3 blog posts per week.

Initiative Goals:

·Run the Facebook Instant Article experiment that my manager recommended me to do.

Personal Goals:

·Grab coffee with everyone on my team, so I can get to know them on a professional and personal level.

60 Days


By the end of your first 60 days, you should ramp up your workload, start overachieving, and make a name for yourself on your team. To do this, start speaking up more at meetings. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas about improving your team’s processes. This shows you’re quickly conquering the learning curve and recognizing some flaws that your colleagues might’ve overlooked. You still have a fresh perspective on the company, so your insight is invaluable.

Theme: Be a ContributorLearning Goals:

·Learn how to optimize a new post from scratch based on both the SEO Insights Report and my own competitive research.
·Read every other marketing team’s wiki page to learn about other marketing initiatives and how our entire department works together to grow our business.
·Deep dive into my company’s product roadmap and strategy to fully grasp our mission and vision.

Performance Goals:

·Be able to write 5 blog posts per week.
·Be down to one cycle of edits per post.
·Understand how to edit a guest post -- clean up at least one rough draft.

Initiative Goals:

·Share content strategy idea at my team’s monthly meeting and ask if I can spearhead the project to boost blog traffic.
·Ask my manager if I can oversee Facebook messenger and Slack distribution strategy.

Personal Goals:

·Meet with my colleagues on other teams to learn about their marketing initiatives and develop relationships outside of my team.

90 Days


By the end of your first three months, you should have a firm grasp of your role, feel confident about your abilities, and be on the cusp of making a breakthrough contribution to your team. Instead of reacting to problems that pop up at random, be proactive and spearhead a new initiative for your team.
You should also be cognizant of how you can collaborate with other teams to improve your own team’s processes. By taking on some new projects outside of your main role, you’ll start turning some heads and catch the attention of the department at large.

Theme: Be a LeaderLearning Goals:

·Do an analysis of my highest and lowest performing blog post up to date. How can I use this information to optimize new content so it performs better out of the gate?

Performance Goals:

·Be comfortable with writing five blog posts per week
·Edit one guest post per week
·Try to have 75% of my blog posts not require revisions.
·Write at least one new post that generates over 10,000 views in one month.

Initiative Goals:

·Ask SEO team if they want to partner with product marketing team to brainstorm content topics related to our product road map.
·Ask social media team if they’re willing to develop a relationship where we can share each other’s content.
·Ask sales team what our customers’ pain points are, so we can write content that our target audience craves and help them close more qualified leads.

Personal Goals:

·Join the yoga club.
Learning the nuances of your new role in less than three months won’t be easy. But crafting a strong 30-60-90 day plan is your best bet for accelerating your development and adapting to your new work environment as quickly as possible. 


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