Klenty FAQ

Is there a free trial?

Yes. Interested users can sign up for Klenty’s 14-day free trial, which comes with full access to all of its features, including 200 emails that can be sent to potential customers and 10 email finder credits.

Can users downgrade or upgrade their subscriptions at any time?

Yes. Users can opt to downgrade or upgrade their subscriptions at any time.

Does Klenty have a daily limit on email sends?

Yes. Every email ID connected to the user’s account can send up to 700 emails per day.

Klenty Overview Video

This video provides an overview on what Klenty can do to help sales professionals manage their leads and enhance their customer relations.

Popular Integrations

When choosing email marketing software, it’s important that it integrates with other applications your business is currently using.

How to import prospects from Freshsales to Klenty

Once you integrate Freshsales with Klenty, you can import prospects from Freshsales, set them to auto-import and add them to a cadence.

Before you begin:

·  Make sure your Freshsales integration is set up. 
·  You should have at least one filter in Freshsales that includes the Leads you want to import to Klenty.

To import prospects from Freshsales:

  1. Log in to your Klenty account and go to Prospects -> Add Prospects.
  2. Go to the Freshsales tab and select the Freshsales Filter to be imported from the drop-down.
3. You can add the prospects to an existing Tag/List or create a new Tag/List and click on Import.
The filter will then be displayed under Import History.
Toggle on Auto import to automatically add prospects to Klenty when the selected filter is updated in Freshsales. (Note: we check your Freshsales filter for updates every 30 minutes.)
To import leads from this filter immediately, click on Import Now.


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