Treatment Options lumbar facet joint

Conservative Treatment

Once a diagnosis of facet joint syndrome has been confirmed, your doctor will likely recommend physical therapy to treat your symptoms. A well-rounded rehabilitation program assists in calming pain and inflammation, improving your mobility and strength, and helping you do your daily activities with greater ease and ability.
Physical therapy may also include the use of ice to decrease blood flow to the affected area and reduce swelling.

Spinal Injection

An injection into your facet joint using cortisone can be helpful for calming pain and inflammation. The injection usually gives temporary relief for several weeks or months.

Surgical Treatment

Surgery may become an option if all conservative methods of treatment fail. Surgery on the facet joint usually consists of a fusion of the joint (also called an "arthrodesis"). 
To join the two vertebrae together, the doctor will usually insert several metal screws across the joint. Bone graft may also be placed around the joint to help fuse it. The bone graft is usually removed from your pelvic bone right beside the SI joint.


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