Treatment of Stomach Cancer Dallas

Treatment for Stomach Cancer Dallas depends on several factors, including the severity of the cancer and the individual's overall health and preferences.
Treatments may include surgery, chemotherapyradiation therapy, medications, and taking part in clinical trials.


The surgeon's aim is to remove the Stomach Cancer Dallas from the body as well as a margin of healthy tissue. This is necessary to make sure no cancerous cells are left behind.
Examples include:
·         Removing tumors from the stomach lining in early-stage cancer: The surgeon will use endoscopy to remove very small tumors that are confined to the inside lining of the stomach. This is called endoscopic mucosal resection.
·         Subtotal gastrectomy: A part of the stomach is surgically removed.
·         Total gastrectomy: The whole stomach is surgically removed.
Abdominal surgeries are significant procedures and may require prolonged recovery time. People may have to stay in hospital for 2 weeks after the procedure. This will be followed by several weeks of recovery at home.

Radiation therapy

In radiation therapy, energy rays are used to target and kill cancerous cells. This type of therapy is not commonly used to treat Stomach Cancer Dallas because of the risk of harming other nearby organs.
Neoadjuvant radiation
Neoadjuvant radiation refers to the use of radiation therapy before surgery to make the tumors smaller, so that they can be removed more easily.
Adjuvant radiation
Adjuvant radiation is radiation therapy used after surgery. The aim is to kill off any remaining cancer cells around the stomach.
Chemotherapy is a specialist treatment that uses drugs to stop rapidly-growing cancer cells from dividing and multiplying. These drugs are known as cytotoxic medicines.
Adjuvant chemotherapy
Adjuvant chemotherapy is administered after surgery to destroy any cancerous cells that may be left behind.
Targeted medications
Examples of targeted medications include Sutent (sunitinib) and Gleevec (imatinib), which attack specific types of abnormalities in cancerous cells for people with gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
Clinical trials
These are experimental therapies which may be trying out new drugs or using existing therapies in novel ways. Patients may want to take part in some of the latest treatments. It is important to remember that clinical trials are experimental and in no way guarantee a cure for Stomach Cancer Dallas.


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