Overview of Endoscopic sleeve Gastroplasty, Dallas

colonoscopy is a test that looks for changes or abnormalities in the rectum and large intestine. The procedure involves inserting a long, flexible tube into the rectum. A small video camera at the end of the tube will allow a doctor to view the inside of the colon. Abnormal tissue and polyps can be removed using the scope in a colonoscopy
Colonoscopies employ monitored anesthesia. You’ll be given medicine through an IV that will keep you comfortable, virtually pain-free and unaware of the procedure.
A nurse anesthetist will administer the medicine and watch you intently—monitoring your heart, breathing and blood pressure—for the duration of the procedure, so the doctors can focus on the colonoscopy.
People like to talk about the unpleasantness of colonoscopy preparation. But over the past 15 years, colonoscopy preparation has been improved and refined. The truth is, it’s not that bad anymore.
There are screening methods besides a colonoscopy, but none comes with as many advantages. For one, a colonoscopy usually needs to be repeated only every 10 years if results are normal.
At-home colon cancer detection tests are highly sensitive for cancer only when you already have the disease. Colonoscopies detect precancerous lesions and prevent them from growing into anything detectable by a home stool test.
Colonoscopies also detect inflammatory bowel diseases and ulcerative colitis. Both are inflammatory diseases of the intestines. Identifying them early helps reduce the long-term damage they can do, including scarring and bleeding in the colon, malnourishment, pain and intestinal blockages that require surgery. 

Having a colonoscopy is not as embarrassing as you think.

The procedure is typically done at an endoscopy center, and all the patients are there for gastrointestinal care. In other words, everyone is in the same boat.

Fecal immunochemical testing

The fecal immunochemical test is a screening test for colon cancer. It tests for hidden blood in the stool, which can be an early sign of cancer. FIT only detects human blood from the lower intestines. Medicines and food do not interfere with the test.

Fecal occult blood testing

The fecal occult blood test is a lab test used to check stool samples for hidden blood.
Occult blood in the stool may indicate colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum though not all cancers or polyps bleed.
A colonoscopy helps doctors examine the entire colon. But sometimes only the sigmoid colon warrants close inspection. That’s when a doctor will recommend a sigmoidoscopy.
A sigmoidoscopy, also called a flexible sigmoidoscopy, is a procedure that lets your doctor look inside your sigmoid colon by using a flexible tube with a light on it.

Double-contrast barium enema

The Double-Contrast Barium Enema uses X-rays to find abnormal growths in the colon. Barium, a silver-white metallic compound, is used to outline the colon and rectum on the X-ray. Air is then passed through the same tube to further enhance the X-ray.


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