How to get a High Ticket closing job in an enterprise software company

As entrepreneurs, our focus can be one-sided. We focus on the product or service we’re building.
In building an audience and potential list of buyers, we want to target higher-end clients. We want those paid-in-full, five-and-six-figure clients.
High ticket closers are valuable because they can increase closing ratios without increasing overhead costs. Instead of spending more money on marketing, they can simply increase their closing ratio to 20%, 30% or even 50%. That way, they save money on lead acquisition and make the most out of every lead coming in.

What Exactly Is High Ticket Closing?

The best way to explain this concept is with an example. Let’s say you are selling a product or service, and your goal is to generate a million dollars. Now there are many ways you can do this, but for now let’s talk about two ways to do this.
The first way is what I call the volume game. This method focuses on selling many items to many people, at a lower price.
The second way is what I call the margins game. This method is the opposite of the previous method you sell fewer items to fewer customers, but at a significantly higher price.
Ensure Your Success As A High Ticket Sales Closer
· Don’t Run Before You Can Walk - Short Vs Long Sales Cycle Leads

High ticket sales usually means that you’re selling products or services that can have fairly long sales cycles. This is due to the length of time, financial outlay and the number of decision makers involved in signing off high value products or services you’re selling.

This happens more frequently than you might expect and I know this first hand because I’ve been there many times during my sales career.

Once you know you can pay your bills and put food on the table, it’ll give you the confidence to invest more time into selling products/services that may take months and in some cases years to close but have very high rewards as a result.

· Companies Are Highly Protective Of Their Leads

This is another reason to start small and work with companies that can give you leads with a shorter sales cycle. Build your portfolio and keep track of your sales successes so when it comes time to hunt for high value leads you’ll have a proven track record to back you up.

· Always Be Prospecting

The top earning self-employed sales professionals build networks of contacts by prospecting and putting themselves out there, they don’t sit back and wait to be drip fed leads which may or may not be consistent.

· Always Be Growing, Always Be Closing

You need to truly master the art of selling and convey this when speaking with the companies you’re interested in working with. You’ll absolutely have to learn how to sell their products/services and if you’ve had limited or no real world sales experience then you’re at a distinct disadvantage from seasoned independent sales reps who have many years sales experience under their belts.

· Do Your Due Diligence On The Companies You Sell For

One of the most important things we do here at CommissionCrowd is to vet every single company before they’re allowed to join our network and connect with independent sales reps. We do this for a number of reasons:
1. We understand what reps expect from the companies they choose to work with
2. We understand what makes a freelance sales opportunity attractive to independent sales reps
3. To determine whether or not the company has worked with reps before. If they haven’t, we work with them to ensure they are prepared to support their sales partners in the way reps expect.
Market to human behavior. 
The secret sauce that has led to explosive growth in her business is diving deeper into personality types and how her business can help the most compatible types to her.
Doing these studies helps entrepreneurs identify high-end clients and address their biggest insecurities. An entrepreneur can then use that information strategically to attract high-end clients that are compatible personality types.
Create content that will resonate only with the highest compatibility people. Attract them and speak to them in a way they understand. Study the human behavior patterns and personality types of high-end clients in your niche. It can be a game changer.


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