Benefits, Risk & Types of gastric balloon, Dallas

A gastric balloon is a non-surgical, non-invasive, temporary weight loss tool that encourages you to eat healthier portions for a six-month period. Regardless of being non-surgical, it still produces meaningful weight loss while allowing you to eat without restrictions, feel fuller longer, and reduce your hunger.
Health benefits are included with the weight loss the gastric balloon brings like: improving diabetes, cardiac health, and joint/bone issues.

Benefits of Gastric Balloon, Dallas

There is no surgery involved with a gastric balloon

The patient is sedated, and a thin tube carrying the silicone balloon inside is guided down the throat and into the stomach. Then the doctor guides an endoscope down the throata small tube with a camera to observe the silicone balloon as it is inflated with saline. 

The gastric balloon is temporary and can be removed

By design, the gastric balloon is only meant to be in a patient’s stomach for six months before it is removed. But should any special circumstances arise sooner than that, it can be taken out at any time.

Cost for a gastric balloon procedure is less than for surgical procedures

The average cost of a gastric balloon procedure runs $7,500-$8,500. That’s significantly less than the average costs of different types of weight loss surgery.

You may be eligible for a gastric balloon even if you are not eligible for surgery 

Many clinics and insurance companies require candidates to have excessively high BMIs and severe weight-related health problems before they are considered ready to undergo gastric bypass surgery. 

Gastric balloons produce real weight loss results

Gastric balloon weight loss results for most patients in the six months they have the balloon is between 20 and 50 pounds, depending on starting weight

Risk of Gastric Balloon, Dallas

There is having some risk of Gastric Balloon, Dallas. They are;
· You will be given anti-nausea medication to help prevent this. Despite treatment, some patients are unable to tolerate the balloon due to nausea.
· Some patients need IV fluids during the first week or medications to help them through their nausea.
· Dehydration is a risk due to difficulty consuming adequate liquids.
· Balloon deflation can be a dangerous complication in which the silicone balloon is compromised, deflates, and potentially migrates into the small bowel causing an obstruction.
· Ulcers can develop from the balloon irritating the lining of the stomach. It is important to avoid the use of NSAID’s such as ibuprofen and naproxen while the balloon is in place.
· Gastric perforation is rare but has been seen in patients who have had previous stomach surgery, such as a gastric band.

Types of gastric balloons

The balloon limits the amount of food the stomach can hold and creates thereby an early feeling of fullness and satiety. Less intake of food will result in weight loss. Endoscopic placement of the balloon is temporary and reversible without surgical incisions. Here are the 3 types of balloons, and the differences between them:

Orbera gastric balloon

The Orbera Balloon, also known as the Gastric Balloon, is a proven medical device for weightloss. This procedure works by inserting a deflated silicone Orbera Balloon into the stomach, via gastroscopy under light sedation. Once the Orbera is inserted it is then filled with a saline solution to a size that suits the patients’ individual needs.
 The Orbera balloon stays in place for 6 months, at which point we remove it in a similar method to the balloon placement.

ReShape gastric balloon

Reshape is a dual weight loss balloon. This procedure jumpstarts weight loss by placing two, saline-filled, medical-grade silicone balloons in the stomach in a single procedure with no X-rays required. Reshape has more capacity than other gastric balloons, taking up more space in the stomach for superior weight loss results.

Obalon gastric balloon

The Obalon gastric balloon differs from the other two types, because Obalon is swallowed instead of placed endoscopically. The Obalon Balloon System is a nonsurgical weight loss option. It’s intended for people who haven't succeeded in losing weight through diet and exercise alone. The treatment itself takes six months, but the entire program should take 12 months. 
Obalon balloons will all be removed at the same visit, approximately 6 months after you swallow the first balloon.


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