Preparation & Risk of Colonoscopy, Dallas

Colonoscopy, Dallas is a procedure where a doctor uses a flexible tube with a miniature camera attached to view the inside lining of your rectum and colon. During the test, the doctor can find and remove most polyps and some cancers.
A Colonoscopy, Dallas is a procedure to look at the inside of the colon. The colon is the large intestine and the last part of the digestive system. The colon dries, processes, and eliminates the waste left after the small intestine has absorbed the nutrients in food.
Risks of a Colonoscopy, Dallas
As with any procedure, there are risks associated with a Colonoscopy, Dallas. Before obtaining your consent for the procedure, the doctor will tell you about the potential risks.
· The most common side effects are cramping pain and abdominal swelling caused by the air used to inflate the colon during the procedure.
· This air is expelled shortly after the procedure, and these symptoms generally resolve without medical treatment.
· If a biopsy is performed during the procedure, the patient may see small amounts of blood in the bowel movements after the examination. This may last a few days.
· Though rare, there is potential for the Colonoscopy, Dallas to injure the intestinal wall, causing perforation, infection, or bleeding.
· Although this test is very helpful in finding the cause of many digestive diseases, abnormalities can go undetected. Factors that can affect this include the completeness of the bowel preparation before the procedure, the skill of the operator of the Colonoscopy, Dallas and the patient's anatomy.
· When this test is performed, the patient will be given sedating medications to make the test more comfortable.
· These IV medications are given under medical supervision, and the patient will be monitored during the procedure to lessen the risk of medication-related complications.

Eligible for a colonoscopy

Diagnostic or surveillance colonoscopy
Cover provided for all members with signs or symptoms suggestive of a bowel condition or for those with diagnosed bowel condition.
Screening colonoscopy
It will make an exception to the screening policy exclusion if the patient meets the criteria below. one first-degree relative with colorectal cancer diagnosed before the age of 55 years

Prepare for a Colonoscopy

There are have some preparation method for colonoscopy. The typical bowel prep diet includes:
· gelatin
· plain coffee or tea
· pulp-free juice
· sports drinks, such as Gatorade
You may want to arrange for a ride home after your appointment. The sedative you’ll be given for the procedure makes it unsafe for you to drive yourself.


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