Treatment & Causes of Ankle pain, Dallas

Ankle pain, Dallas refers to any type of pain or discomfort in your ankles. This pain could be caused by an injury, like a sprain, or by a medical condition, like arthritis.

Ankle pain may also be a result of several different types of conditions. Injuries of the ankle bones, tendons and ligaments can cause ankle pain. Several different types of arthritis can lead to ankle pain.

Treatment of Ankle pain, Dallas


Treatment for ankle pain depends on the cause of the pain. Therefore, it is important to understand the cause of your symptoms before embarking on a treatment programme. If you are unsure of your diagnosis or the severity of your condition, you should seek medical advice before beginning any treatment plan. 


Here are some common ways to relieve ankle pain:


This is usually the first treatment for most common conditions to relieve ankle pain, as it allows the inflammation to subside. Crutches may be helpful if the symptoms are severe.

Footwear Modifications, Orthotics and Braces

This form of treatment may be helpful to control movement of the joint, depending on the specific injury to be addressed.

Ice and Heat Application

The use of ice packs and heat pads are common ways to relieve ankle pain, as they help to manage inflammation. Ice packs are mostly used for acute injuries to help minimise swelling, while heat pads are used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues and to stimulate blood flow to the area.


Stretching the muscles and tendons that surround the joint can help to relieve some ankle pain symptoms. A good routine should be established with professional help.


Physiotherapy is an important aspect of treatment for almost all orthopaedic conditions. Physiotherapists use different exercises to help increase strength, regain mobility and return patients to their pre-injury level of activity.

Ankle Pain Medication

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, commonly referred to as nsaids, are frequently prescribed for ankle pain treatment, especially for patients with pain caused by problems such as arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis.

Steriod Injections

Triamcinolone is a powerful ankle pain medication that treats inflammation, a common symptom of ankle pain.

Causes of Ankle pain, Dallas

There can also be some instances where you experience ankle pain without notable injury. They are:

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints. An autoimmune disorder, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body's tissues.

As the disease progresses, symptoms often spread to the wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, hips and shoulders. In most cases, symptoms occur in the same joints on both sides of your body.


Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Signs and symptoms may come on suddenly or develop slowly, may be mild or severe, and may be temporary or permanent. 

It appears that people with an inherited predisposition for lupus may develop the disease when they come into contact with something in the environment that can trigger lupus.


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time.

Osteoarthritis symptoms can usually be managed, although the damage to joints can't be reversed. 

Flat Feet

Many people have an arch that is located between the ball of the foot and the heel. However, some have flat feet where there is no arch. While this is usually painless, the ankles can sometimes swell if they are out of alignment with your knees.

Reactive Arthritis

This form of arthritis usually comes on after an infection in the urinary or GI tracts. You will usually start to notice swelling and inflammation and varying levels of pain.


Treatment Reference


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