Symptoms & Treatment of Ingrown Nails Treatment in Dallas

Ingrown Nail happens when the edges or corners of the nail grow into the skin next to the nail and break the skin. If you trim your toenails too short, particularly on the sides of your big toes, you may set the stage for an ingrown toenail. Like many people, when you trim your toenails, you may taper the corners so that the nail curves with the shape of your toe.

But this technique may encourage your toenail to grow into the skin of your toe. The sides of the nail curl down and dig into your skin. An ingrown toenail may also happen if you wear shoes that are too tight or too short. People with poor circulation, such as those with diabetes or peripheral vascular disease, are more likely to have complications.

 Symptoms of Ingrown Nail

Some types of toe pain can be accompanied by numbness, burning, warmth, or other symptoms.

When you have an ingrown toenail, it may be hard, swollen and tender. It may get red and infected, and feel very sore. Ingrown toenails are a common, painful condition particularly among teenagers. Any of your toenails can become ingrown, but the problem more often affects the big toe.

An ingrown nail occurs when the skin on one or both sides of a nail grows over the edges of the nail, or when the nail itself grows into the skin.

Some Symptoms of Ingrown nail,

· skin next to the nail becoming tender, swollen, or hard

· pain when pressure is placed on the toe

· fluid building up around the toe

 Treatment of Ingrown nail

Ingrown toenails should be treated as soon as they are recognized. If they are recognized early, home care may prevent the need for further treatment:

· Soak your feet. Reduce swelling and tenderness by putting your feet in warm water for 15-20 minutes three to four times a day.

· Keep feet dry. Let your feet breathe to avoid sweat or dampness.

· Use a wedge to lift your nail. Put dental floss or a small piece of cotton under the edge of your nail to help lift it as it grows out. Change it out daily.

· Apply antibiotic cream. Cover your toe with a bandage afterward to help protect it.

· Pick helpful shoes. Choose open-toed shoes or shoes with plenty of room in the toe. Don’t wear heels.

· Take pain relievers. Over-the-counter options like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce tenderness and swelling.

 If excessive inflammation, swelling, pain and discharge are present, the toenail is probably infected and should be treated by a physician. You may need to take oral antibiotics and the nail may need to be partially or completely removed.

Treatment reference



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