Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment in Dallas

Diabetic Foot ulcers are the most common foot injuries leading to lower extremity amputation. Family physicians have a pivotal role in the prevention or early diagnosis of diabetic foot complications. Management of the diabetic foot requires a thorough knowledge of the major risk factors for amputation, frequent routine evaluation and meticulous preventive maintenance.

A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in approximately 15 percent of patients with diabetes and is commonly located on the bottom of the foot. Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and foot pain varies depending on their causes.

Prevention of Diabetic foot ulcer

The best way to treat a diabetic foot ulcer is to prevent its development in the first place. Recommended guidelines include seeing a podiatrist on a regular basis. Your podiatrist can determine if you are at high risk for developing a foot ulcer and implement strategies for prevention. Watch your blood sugar.

The best way to prevent diabetic foot ulcers is to keep your blood sugar levels under control. Uncontrolled glucose is often behind neuropathy, which causes loss of feeling in the feet and may allow a sore to go unnoticed. Maintaining normal glucose levels will also help any sores on the foot heal faster. This can help keep ulcers from developing.

High risk if you have or do the following:

· Neuropathy

· Poor circulation

· A foot deformity (e.g., bunion, hammer toe)

· Wear inappropriate shoes

· Uncontrolled blood sugar

 Reducing additional risk factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, high cholesterol, and elevated blood glucose, are important in prevention and treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. Wearing the appropriate shoes and socks will go a long way in reducing risks. Your podiatrist can provide guidance in selecting the proper shoes.

The key to successful wound healing is regular podiatric medical care to ensure the following of care:

· Lowering blood sugar

· Appropriate debridement of wounds

· Treating any infection

· Reducing friction and pressure

· Restoring adequate blood flow

 Treatment of Diabetic foot ulcer

 Treatment of diabetic foot ulcer should be systematic for an optimal outcome.  The most important point is to identify if there is any evidence of ongoing infection, by obtaining a history of chills, fever, looking for the presence of purulence or presence of at least two signs of inflammation that includes, pain, warmth, erythema or induration of the ulcer.

· Neuropathic ulcer must be protected from further injury until they heal, and strenuous efforts must be made to avoid another ulcer by wearing the correct footwear.

· A vascular or ischaemic ulcer should be evaluated by a vascular surgeon to determine the extent of damage and whether surgery is necessary; in severe cases, this may entail partial amputation of a toe, foot or limb.

· Radiology is also useful to evaluate osteomyelitis.

First step treatment of diabetic foot ulcers is to remove necrotic wound tissue from the wound. It is essential that the method of debridement utilized does not damage nerves, tendons, and blood vessels. Since many people with diabetes don't feel pain from the wound site, health care practitioners can't rely on the patient to let them know when sensitive areas are being examined.

 Treatment Reference















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