Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
In gastric sleeve surgery, a surgeon removes part of the stomach and makes a narrow tube or "sleeve" out of the rest. The new, banana-shaped stomach is much smaller than the original stomach. After the operation, a person will eat less, feel full sooner, and be less hungry.

Who Gets Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

This surgery can really help people who are very overweight and have serious health problems because of their weight.
To be considered for surgery, a person must be committed to changing his or her eating and exercise habits over the long term. Not everyone who wants surgery will be eligible to get it.
Doctors consider a number of things when deciding if weight loss surgery is the right choice for teens. These include whether a teen:
  • ·         is at least 14 years old and near adult height with more than 100 pounds of extra weight to lose
  • ·         is healthy enough to handle surgery
  • ·         has medical problems that could improve with significant weight loss, such as sleep apnea , diabetes, or heart problems
  • ·         has proved that he or she can stick to a healthy diet and get regular exercise
  • ·         has family members who will provide emotional and practical support (like driving to every doctor's visit or buying healthy food)

If you're worried about your weight or think you may benefit from weight loss surgery, talk to your doctor.


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